If You Love Photography, This Device Was Made For You

My dad is actually NOT one of those dads that doesn’t know how to work a computer. 

Believe it or not, he actually may know more than me, his millennial daughter, even though I was raised on the internet. 

It’s actually helped us bond, as we fell in love with digital photography together. 

We’ve been snapping pics together for almost ten years now. It’s my favorite way to keep us in touch with one another. I get a snapshot of his day and he gets a glimpse of mine. 

When we’re far apart, I can see how everyone is doing with gorgeous shots of my family eating dinner or celebrating a milestone. 

When we’re together I have so much more appreciation for the beauty all around us.

Digital photography is truly a wonderful way to bond with each other! 

But, I’ve always been the one in charge of backing ALL of our photos up.

These memories are beautiful and precious, and I know it needs to be done. But it’s just so time-consuming. 

Every time I would back up onto the USB, there’d be a hundred more pictures ready to add by the end of the week. 

I’d have to do it all over again, but I’d be so confused about which pictures were new and which were already saved. 

And after a few thousand pictures, I decided enough is enough.

After spending countless hours searching, I’ve finally found a solution that doesn’t involve me sorting through each image, and putting them manually on a USB. 

The absolute perfect solution has finally been invented. It’s called The PhotoStick

What Is The PhotoStick?

The PhotoStick actually looks like a USB, but it’s so much better. 

The PhotoStick is engineered to easily sort AND save ALL of your pictures without you having to worry one single bit. 

The little device automatically knows when two photos are duplicates, so you never have to go digging around through your thousands of pictures to find out which ones you’ve already saved – The PhotoStick does that all for you!

The PhotoStick also knows which files are pictures and videos and which ones aren’t and automatically saves and protects every single one. 

This feature has probably saved me hundreds of hours at this point. 

Before I had The PhotoStick, I had to dig for hours on end to find all the pictures hidden in my computer. 

But now, The PhotoStick saves each and every photo without any effort. 

It was invented to detect the files you want to protect and save them automatically.

Why The PhotoStick Means Even More To Me

Like I said, this was all about having a way to bond with my dad and enjoy our memories together. 

We recently went on a photography excursion during this gorgeous outdoor hike. We snapped hundreds of wonderful photographs and had some deep conversations that I’ll never forget. 

But I never backed that group up, and I later lost the memory card. 

I can’t even tell you the wave of disappointment that came over my dad’s face when I told him the news. 

I felt so terrible. 

Maybe if backing up wasn’t such a pain, I would have gotten to it right away. 

Thankfully The PhotoStick being so easy makes it a quick and seamless experience to back up my photos every single time I have a photo shoot.

It’s (Almost) Too Easy To Use

All you have to do when The PhotoStick arrives at your door is open the box and plug the device into your computer. 

When you plug it in, a little The PhotoStick icon pops up on your screen. Simply click that and then choose the type of computer you have. 

Next, you’ll see my favorite part: the giant green “GO” button. Go ahead and click that and you’re done!

The PhotoStick is lightning-fast, immediately telling you how many photo and video files were detected as well as how many duplicates it found. 

Then, the next time you go to back up your files again, The PhotoStick will let you know many new pictures it needs to add. 

In other words, you’ll never waste a byte of space on a photo that you already saved. 

Talk about time saved. 

I also finally have my peace of mind back knowing I’ll never have to see that look on my dad’s face again.

I Can Finally Enjoy My Photography Hobby Again

I honestly cringe at the thought of sorting through zillions of folders on my desktop. 

Even though I’m an organized person, my photo collection has grown so large over the years that there’s too many folders to count. 

Then there were the ones hidden in downloads, then those that accidentally went to documents. 

Ugh! I get stressed out and frustrated just thinking about it. 

With the PhotoStick, I feel like I can finally trust myself to keep these memories safe without ever feeling the “hassle” of backing up. 

I just plug it in and all the sorting and saving is done for me. 

Once I started using the PhotoStick, I immediately noticed my love for photography coming back even stronger. 

It gave me more motivation to get out there, see the world, and learn some new skills. 

The sense that I might lose my pictures is totally gone, and I can’t explain what a breath of fresh air that feeling has been. 

My dad has even noticed it and mentioned a few weeks ago that he appreciated all the extra pictures I was sharing with him. I think it makes him feel special. At least I hope it does.

Even If You’re Not a Photographer, The PhotoStick Is Still a Life Saver

There are too many horror stories of people losing important memories for you to not act, especially now that you have such an easy solution. 

The PhotoStick fits in your pocket, saves up to 60,000 images, and works like a charm!

I know I was particularly drawn to the device because of my love for photography, but as I started writing this I realized how many people could really benefit from something like this.

Do Your Friends, Family, and Loved Ones a Favor, and Get Your Memories Protected Today

You know that bad news never has good timing. 

Please don’t wait until it’s too late and all your photos are gone or until you’ve cracked from the frustration of saving each individual photo. 

I truly think this device helped my and my dad’s relationship: that’s how impactful The PhotoStick really is. 

Think about what might happen without one…

You really have nothing to lose by trying it- the company actually offers a money-back guarantee if you’re somehow not satisfied. 

But you have everything to lose by not trying it. I can’t recommend it enough!

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